
Necessity of a patient bed in medical clinic

Have you ever been responsible for the purchasing of medical equipment for your lab, clinic or hospital?  In case you have, you will agree that selecting and buying hospital equipment is not an easy task for you, no matter how many times you have been buying the hospital equipment.  In most cases, when people are buying hospital equipment, they tend to look at the brands of the hospital equipment they need, and they will think that they have done things the right way.

Unfortunately, even the brands that are making the hospital equipment are not to be trusted with all the hospital equipment they make, therefore, you have to ensure that you get hospital equipment suppliers who will be providing you with the hospital equipment that you need.  Just like selecting the hospital equipment you need, finding the best hospital equipment suppliers is a tough job but you have to do all you can to select the best suppliers from the many that you find.


Things to Look for When Selecting Hospital Equipment Suppliers

Whenever you are looking for a hospital equipment supplier, you have to make sure that you’re selecting the right suppliers from the many available.  Although the task might be daunting for you, when you know what to look for in the hospital equipment suppliers the job might be easier and you’re likely to select the best suppliers.  for this reason any time you are looking for hospital equipment suppliers make sure that you look for the following things on the side where you find;

  • Reputation

Today there are so many hospital equipment suppliers in the market providing different hospital equipment to their clients which makes it difficult for people to distinguish between fake and genuine suppliers.  However, one of the things that can help you distinguish between the suppliers you find is the kind of a reputation that they have.   The reputation of any hospital equipment supplier is also determined by the quality of services they offer as well as the quality of medical equipment they supply to their clients.  When you consider the reputation of the hospital equipment suppliers you will be able to locate reputable suppliers who will supply you with quality hospital equipment.

  • The variety of hospital equipment the supplier supplies

Any time you are looking for hospital equipment suppliers it is essential for you to take a look at the kind of equipment they supply to their clients.  It is   advisable that you select hospital equipment suppliers who have a variety of hospital equipment to ensure that you can rely on them anytime you require any kind of hospital equipment for your clinic lab or Hospital.  Therefore before you select a hospital equipment supplier make sure that you go through their product inventories and find out the variety of hospital equipment they have.

  • The quality of medical equipment supplied

This is one of the things that most people fail to look for when they are selecting hospital equipment suppliers and they end up selecting suppliers who supply low quality and short lasting equipment. To avoid this, you have to ensure that you look at the quality of the medical equipment the suppliers sell. Always go for suppliers who sell high quality medical equipment since they will last long.

  • After sales services

Despite the quality of the hospital equipment that you get, there is a likelihood of the equipment developing certain problems at a certain point in time.  When this happens, you would want to get help in fixing the equipment which is why you should buy your equipment from suppliers providing after sales services.   This is why you have to look out whether the suppliers you are selecting offer after sales services or not before you buy your hospital equipment.


All the above are important things you need to look for whenever you are selecting your hospital equipment suppliers.  You need to remember the hospital equipment you are investing in is very expensive and you cannot afford to make any mistakes.  This is why the hospital equipment suppliers you select matter so much.



Why Do Hospitals Insist On Using Bariatric Medical Beds?

Hospitals must always provide their patients with the best and most reliable services that they can. Some of these services include a hygienic and clean environment, proper medication, well trained and experienced doctors as well as excellent equipment. The hospital beds are among the most important pieces of equipment that every hospital must invest in for the sake of operations. Hospital beds provide patients with comfort during their treatment sessions. However, hospitals must be very clean when they are selecting the types of beds they are investing in to ensure that the beds cater to the needs and requirements of every patient they are handling.  For this reason, in case you are handling bariatric patients, you need to use a bariatric medical bed rather than a standard bed.  This is because a standard bed can only accommodate patients with average weight, while obese or bariatric patients may have more weight, yet they need to move smoothly and stay in a bed that is comfortable for them.


Reasons why hospitals use bariatric medical beds for obese patients

You might notice that the type of medical beds that obese patients are using is quite different from the standard beds. This is because the bariatric medical beds:

  • Have a higher load capacity

When you compare a bariatric medical bed to a standard bed, you will find out that a bariatric bed offers extra load capacity. The beds also have some structure designs that provide them with the ability to withstand high loads even from their bariatric patients. The beds, therefore, offer high support and can also hold the weights of a number of people at once. Also, the bariatric medical beds have a higher load capacity ensuring that the bariatric patients lie down comfortably for long hours without worrying that the bed can break down.

  • Are wider

Most hospital beds, especially the standard ones, are very narrow, and therefore, bariatric patients cannot fit comfortably in these beds. Also, it can be difficult for the patients to turn on the standard beds and in some situations, they may even fall off. This is because of the minimal width provided by the beds while the bariatric patients need wider beds they can turn on comfortably without falling and can fit comfortably despite their size. Bariatric medical beds, on the other hand, are very wide and therefore are suitable for bariatric patients.

  • Can manoeuvre with ease

When patients are in a hospital, they are always moved from one bed to another every now and then. Also, the patients require moving on and off their beds without help, especially when no one is around. The movements might be complicated when the patients are using standard beds since they do not have extra features such as the movable sidebars that help patients and the medical staff move from one place to another more easily.

  • Offer more comfort

One of the important features to look for in hospital beds is their comfort. The bed should always provide comfort to the patient at all times. This is because her coat is very important in the recovery process of the patients. Bariatric medical beds are best for quick and better recovery for bariatric patients since they come with comfortable and complemented mattresses to support them despite their weight. The mattresses also have varying pressures so that they can control the patients’ bodies in different postures. Therefore the beds offer comfort to the patients during their recovery process.

  • Have lower heights

The height of the hospital beds determines how easy it is for the patient to climb on and off the bed.  Bariatric medical beds have a lower height which makes it easy for bariatric patients to climb on and off their beds without any support.  Also, the heights can be adjusted depending on the needs of the patients, which are an additional feature that cannot be provided by that which cannot be provided by standard beds.


Must hospitals invest in bariatric medical beds?

Most hospitals do not know whether investing in bariatric medical beds that are made in Australia is important for them or not. Although not all hospitals require bariatric medical beds, these types of medical beds are necessary depending on the type of patients they handle.  However, as long as you always treat bariatric patients, then a bariatric medical bed is among the most important hospital equipment you must invest in.




Laser Hair Removal

Information and facts

Are you considering going for laser hair removal services in Sydney? You must be wondering what could work for you. Whether it’s actually something which is feasible for not? What’s involved in the procedure? All the information and facts about laser hair removal Sydney.

  • Laser hair removal is an option for people who are tired of threading, shaving and waxing. It is one of the most common procedures in Sydney.
  • Highly concentrated light is beamed onto areas on the skin. The skin absorbs the light and which in turn causes the hair to burn and fall off.
  • Lasers can be used to remove hair from the face, under arms and the bikini line. It can even remove hair from other parts of the body with equal ease.
  • One of the major benefits of laser hair removal in Sydney is precision. It can target hair which is dark and coarse and leave the surrounding area unharmed.
  • It is a fast and effective treatment, which can treat a number of hair at the same time. Each pulse of light is delivered for a fraction of a second only. Getting hair from the upper lip removed can take less than a minute. While larger areas on the body like the arms and the legs can take up to an hour or so.

Preparing for laser hair removal

Removing hair with a laser is a complete medical procedure. It requires a bit of preparation on your part as well. When you decide to go for laser hair removal make sure you check the technician’s credentials. You need to get it done from someone reliable and licensed.

When going for a procedure you would need to avoid plucking, waxing or any other hair removal procedures for at least six weeks. Since the laser removes the roots of the air, plucking or waxing can temporarily remove the roots of the hair.

Also it is advised to avoid exposure to the sun six weeks before and after the treatment. Sun exposure can render the treatment ineffective.

What happens during the hair removal treatment?

For the treatment the hair which is to be removed is trimmed to a size of 1mm. The laser equipment is then adjusted according to the type of hair you have or the colour of your skin. You and your technician both would be wearing protective eye gear. The outer layer of the skin would be protected by the help of a cooling gel or a special cooling device.

The area which is to be treated is given a pulse of light. The technician would keep caging the pulses in order to zap different areas of the hair. Hey would also be checking for any bad reactions. Once the procedure is completed you would be given ice packs or cooling creams to put on the area which has been treated.

The first two days your skin would look slightly sun burned but it would soon resolve.

Elena’s story: «I was walking badly, then the truth: mitochondrial disease with very rare genetic mutation»

Elena, 44, a mother of three boys aged 15, 12 and 9, suffers from a mitochondrial disease that she was diagnosed seven years ago. She misses her balance due to a neuropathy that has removed her sensitivity from the knee down. He says: «I had not had any problems until 2008 when my last child was born. Sometimes the walk was a bit ‘uncertain, but I had not given much weight. It was my brother-in-law, a neurologist, who noticed, after a few months since Simone was born, that I was walking badly.

 From there the investigations began: many examinations and hospitalizations in different cities, until in 2011 I was diagnosed with this rare disease, very difficult to identify because there are many genetic mutations. Mine is one of these, and I could also be the only one in the world to have it. Four years ago I wrote my story on Facebook in the hopes of being able to compare myself with other people with my own illness, but I could not find anyone.

” There are hundreds of different mitochondrial diseases: they have in common the genetic malfunction of the mitochondria, the organelles of the cells that provide the production of energy used by our body. It is estimated that in Europe one in five thousand people is affected by one of these rare diseases, which can arise in the first years of life or in adulthood. Each syndrome, taken individually, is rare or very rare, but together they constitute a group of frequent pathologies. There are hundreds of different mitochondrial diseases: they have in common the genetic malfunction of the mitochondria, the organelles of the cells that provide the production of energy used by our body. It is estimated that in Europe one in five thousand people is affected by one of these rare diseases, which can arise in the first years of life or in adulthood.

Each syndrome, taken individually, is rare or very rare, but together they constitute a group of frequent pathologies. There are hundreds of different mitochondrial diseases: they have in common the genetic malfunction of the mitochondria, the organelles of the cells that provide the production of energy used by our body. It is estimated that in Europe one in five thousand people is affected by one of these rare diseases, which can arise in the first years of life or in adulthood. Each syndrome, taken individually, is rare or very rare, but together they constitute a group of frequent pathologies. that can arise in the first years of life or in adulthood. Each syndrome, taken individually, is rare or very rare, but together they constitute a group of frequent pathologies. that can arise in the first years of life or in adulthood. Each syndrome, taken individually, is rare or very rare, but together they constitute a group of frequent pathologies.

Half of patients without a diagnosis

A characteristic of these diseases, which has made it very difficult to study over the years, is the great variability of clinical manifestations. The organs most frequently affected are those that require a greater energy requirement, that is the nervous system, the heart, the muscles, moreover they can be involved, in different combinations and entities, also the sight, the hearing and other organs. But the impact on the organs, the rate of progression and the age of onset varies from disease to disease and from patient to patient, even within the same family. Even today, almost half of the patients do not have a genetic diagnosis, that is, one in two cases do not know the genetic causes of these diseases, even if progress is being made thanks to research.

«I can not pick up my son»

“It’s frustrating not being able to do many things anymore, not being able to stand a long time standing, not being able to stand still with my legs – Elena continues -. My three children grew up with a mother who had something different than the others, I never managed to pick up the smallest, born when I began to feel bad. But they never made me weigh, indeed: they are very responsible and they also help me in the house, as well as my husband, who is my rock. I would like to do a lot more but I can not, because every day I see that something is taken away from me. And I do not know what to expect from a near future. The charge, as well as my loved ones, also comes from  Mitocon (association of reference of patients,  ed), which became my second family. I was at the recent conference in Rome: for me it is very important to be able to compare myself with other people who really understand what I say and what I feel, to be able to share similar problems, to know where the research is. ”

Research funds are lacking

The eighth national conference, organized by Mitocon at the end of May, was a moment of confrontation between patients and experts, clinicians, Italian and foreign researchers, on the progress of national and international research. The president of Mitocon says, Piero Santantonio: “Until recently, the genetic origins of the disease and its mutations were unknown, but in recent years giant steps have been taken in the diagnosis of some mitochondrial diseases and new scenarios are opening up. therapeutic. In fact, there are experimental therapies for various mitochondrial diseases, some being studied in vitroor on animal models, others already on human experimentation with promising results. In Italy – underlines Santantonio – we have among the best researchers in the world in mitochondrial diseases, but research funds are lacking. For this reason, as an association, we support researchers with the raising of funds thanks to the support of many volunteers and benefactors who are close to us ».

Do Plant Based Protein Powders Build Lean Muscle

Whey protein is the number one protein which can help build lean mass. However, most people assume that it’s a much superior protein than any plant based protein powder. When used properly and in conjunction with the right diet and exercise, vegan powders work just as well. Take for example rice protein which has all the essential amino acids. Though it doesn’t have as many proteins as whey powder but when taken in right quantities can deliver just as well as whey protein.

Recent studies have been carried out to show the difference between building muscle mass when two groups of individuals took whey and rice proteins respectively. After eight weeks it was observed that both groups gained the same amount of muscle mass. Thereby it obvious that plant based proteins are by no means any less than animal based proteins.

It is important to consume proteins throughout the day. Protein powders are no longer used by athletes only. In fact individuals who want to fulfil their nutritional needs can benefit from plant based protein powders as well. When taken in the morning, proteins can help improve the cardiac rhythm and also help lower cholesterol.

The major reason why most people prefer using plant proteins could either be due to the fact that they are lactose intolerant or could be sensitive to ingredients in dairy protein powders.

Keep in mind that when choosing vegan protein powders, you need to make sure they are completely organic. Watch out for ingredients which could cause problems with the digestive tract. Good vegan powders might be slightly expensive than the usual variety but they are worth it. Not only do these work for people with gluten or lactose allergies but is one way to improve the intake of proteins in vegetarians as well.


Avoid protein powders which might consist of the following ingredients

  • Sweeteners are often added to low quality vegan protein powders to improve its taste
  • Similarly artificial colours and flavours are added as well to disguise the after taste and make it more palatable
  • It might contain non organic ingredients. These are usually sprayed with pesticides and could be potentially harmful to the system.

The right protein powders are infused with added vitamins and ingredients which can help fortify its potency. However despite the good quality of a protein powder there are still some ingredients which could cause havoc with the digestive system. It’s better t know ay substances to which you could be allergic and avoid plant protein powders which might consist of any of those ingredients. The key to choosing the best protein powders is to be aware of what works and doesn’t work for you.

When choosing pant abed protein powders don’t just rely on powders which are made up of just one plant source. Taking pea powder alone or hemp protein only might not be sufficient. The best thing you could do is use these powders in a blended form or rather purchase a protein powder which is a blend of different plant proteins to get the maximum benefits.


Perth is a city with approximately two million people in its metropolitan area and is the capital of Western Australia. Perth is a very isolated city with the Indian Ocean on one side and the outback on the other. With activities like snorkelling, hiking, festivals, and more offered each year Perth is an extremely active city. Statistically speaking, 60-80% of a given population will have back pain in their lifetime. In Perth that means 1,200,000 to 1,600,000 people. Whether chronic or by injury of some kind back and joint pain can be pervasive and even with surgery sometimes pain can become chronic. People often seek alternatives to traditional medicine in the hope some other form of treatment will help. With a population as large as that of Perth’s there are hundreds of chiropractors operating within city limits.

Chiropractors: The Job

Chiropractors are in a field distinct from traditional medicine. The first school of chiropractic medicine was developed in the late 19th century. Until the 1960s there were no formally recognised established credentials for chiropractors. They were commonly arrested and jailed for ‘practicing without a license.’ Such was the discord between traditional medical doctors and the field of chiropractic treatment. Today chiropractic medicine and traditional medicine work together much more fluidly, and interdisciplinary teams are becoming much more common in the treatment of patients complaining of chronic or sudden onset joint pain. They are considered a field of alternative medicine and focus on treating skeletal issues; mostly related to the spine. Chiropractors do not typically hold medical degrees but do get extensive training in their field. They primarily focus on physical manipulation to align the spine and other joints properly. The theory here being that if the spine is aligned properly as well as other skeletal structures, damaged tissues will be better prepared to heal themselves.

Chiropractors in Perth

Below is a curated list of chiropractors operating in Perth and registered with the Australian Chiropractors Association. This is by no means an exhaustive list but a starting point.

  • City Chiropractic
  • Up! Chiropractic
  • Hay St Chiropractic
  • Reflex Chiropractic
  • Capacity Health
  • Edwards Spine and Support
  • Nervana Chiropractic Yokine
  • Shenton Park Family Chiropractic
  • Chelsea Chiropractic and Wellness
  • Adams Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic Therapy: Last Things to Know

Chiropractic therapy today is an established and respected field of alternative medicine. Thousands of Australians seek chiropractic care at least once in their lifetime. Chiropractic therapy, while seen as a legitimate form of alternative medicine, is not typically covered by your insurance under regular primary care providers, some insurance agencies cover treatments under specialist fees but consulting your insurance agent is advisable.

Sciatica Treatment

There are notable changes in our bodily functions as we age. One cannot say no to the possibilities of dementia or mild to severe forgetfulness. Wrinkling of the skin reminds us that we are not getting any younger and the sudden change of appetite or eating patterns are indications that our metabolism has slowed down to a greater extent, making us choosy or meticulous about the food that we eat..

The above-mentioned scenarios may seem manageable but there is one thing that aged individuals fear the most, and that is the deterioration of the bone’s strength. When this happens, recurring pain can be present on any essential parts of the body like the muscles in the arms, legs, lower back and especially on the pelvic bones that connect the hips down to the knees and the toes.

Before going any further, another concrete example of a bone loss that can be associated with sciatica is osteoporosis. The said condition takes place when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone or both. Osteoporosis literally means “porous bone.” When it is viewed under a microscope, healthy bones appear like a honeycomb. When osteoporosis occurs, the holes and spaces in the honeycomb are much larger than in a healthy bone. With this description, we have reason to believe that ordinary pain in the lower back may well be associated with losing bone strength and the degeneration of the same could be referred to as sciatica.

Sciatica as distinguished from osteoporosis

Sciatica is a pain affecting the back, hip and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of the spinal nerve root in the lower back, often owing to the degeneration of intervertebral disk. Ensure you seek professional sciatica treatment to get full details on the cause.

Intervertebral disk defined and explained

The intervertebral disk is a significant part of the bone that acts or functions as shock absorbers between each vertebra in the spinal column. The annulus acts as a thick outer layer that surrounds the soft gel-like centre or nucleus that protects it from a sudden shock or impact.

What causes sciatica?

Sciatica is primarily caused by irritation of the roots of the lower lumbar and the lumbosacral spine. Additional factors include lumbar spinal stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back. It’s also called as degenerative disc disease or breakdown of disks due to shock or impact on cushions between the vertebrae.

Why does sciatica occur?

The main culprit of sciatica is a herniated disk. It happens or occurs when a disk is pushed out of place or misaligned due to shock or impact. When not treated right away, the condition could cause an infection that will probably aggravate the situation.

Treatment and medication

  • Physical therapy – in cases of mild to moderate conditions, sciatica can be treated with a soft or hard massage on the affected parts of the muscles. Pressing slightly on the vital points can give comfort to the patient.
  • Rehabilitation – the health and wellness program designed to restore someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after an accident or an illness.
  • Chiropractic – an alternative medical intervention without the need for oral medication. This is administered or managed by spine doctors who specialise in taking care of the spine down to the nervous system in order to prevent the onset of some degenerative illness or diseases.
  • Oral medication – this includes over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, ketoprofen, or naproxen. Secondary medicines include antidepressants for chronic lower back pain and prescription muscle relaxants to ease muscle spasms.