October 2021

How To Effectively Use A Breast Pump

Using a breast pump is always an option for a breastfeeding mother who plans to return to work away from home or simply needs a break. It is a simple and effective method of maintaining milk supply when a parent is unable to be with their child.


Many mothers are concerned about using a breast pump for a wide variety of reasons, which can range from affordability, efficiency, ease of cleaning, usage, and comfortability. However, it can be said that pumping can be a stress-free and empowering experience if done correctly. Speak with a professional, such as a lactation consultant, if you have any concerns or emotional tolls about using a breast pump.


Pumps come in a variety of styles, including manual, single or double electric, and hospital-grade. Your health insurance must cover a free electric breast pump under the Affordable Care Act. Take advantage of this benefit even if you only plan to pump occasionally.


Getting started


Pumping is a straightforward procedure. It takes a little more effort for a mother to use a hand pump than an electric pump, but the plan remains the same (though the timing varies slightly—10 to 20 minutes). It is not necessary to sit and pump until the last drop is forced out.


Even if the milk stops flowing, it is critical to continue pumping for 15 minutes.


  • Read the instructions carefully for using and cleaning your breast pump. Always ensure that your hands are clean before using the pump.


  • Place the nipple properly in the pump’s cone-like areas that fit onto the breast. Before turning the pump on, lean forward slightly.


  • Maintain a low suction and slow pump speed. Many women are perplexed by this advice because they believe that high speed and suction will extract the most milk in the shortest amount of time, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.


  • Simulate what the baby does, or your milk supply may suffer. The baby sucks slowly and lowly, not quickly and loudly.


  • 7 minutes of pumping- it is normal to see nothing coming out at first. After a few minutes of pumping, you will experience a “let-down,” in which the milk begins to flow.


  • Stop the pump for 1 minute and massage the breast all around, from the armpit to the nipple. In a sense, this gives the breast a break and allows it to reset.


Advantages of using breast pumps


Today’s modern urban mothers have a better option: breast pumps. For mothers who need to be away from their babies, the breast pump is a godsend. Despite the fact that many new-age mothers have heard of the pump, it remains an alien object to many, with many reservations, particularly regarding its usage and effectiveness.


A breast pump enables a nursing mother to pump and store breast milk, allowing the baby to reap the benefits of breastfeeding even when the mother is not present. This enables working mothers to ensure that their babies receive an adequate amount of breastfeeding despite the distance. However, its benefits are not limited to working mothers; stay-at-home mothers can also use a pump to store milk. Using a breast pump continuously can also help to save new mums from heaviness and engorgement of breasts. So if you think a breast pump would be advantageous for you to use, why not explore your options.

Experience hospital-grade breast pumps for safe and easy expression when you choose the top brands trusted by most mothers.